Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Great Grandma Barnes

We made the trip up to Indiana, and boy was it a trip. Jacob was so good the entire time even though he was completely out of his normal daily routine. These were just a couple of pictures that I took. The first is of the corner. My dad grew up in this house and always told us stories about the Polish club next door. I thought this photo was very fitting. The second is a photo of my grandmother's house. I edited them with more of a vintage finish. The third photo is of my grandmother's hands. I don't know what it is but something about holding a child is beautiful to me. I'm glad I have this photo of Grandma holding Jacob. The fourth photo is of her roses. Grandma has always had a green thumb, I'm kind of upset that was not passed down to me. As a child I remember looking at all of her flowers and being so impressed with how pretty they are. I now have roses in my yard (due to the green thumb of the lady that lived her before us) and I often think of my grandmother when I see them.

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Outside & Dog... What Other Words Does A Kid Need To Know?

When Jacob started saying "outside" we were a bit surprised.  No doubt though he knew exactly what he was saying.  Matthew opens the back door, and he starts saying "outside."  He will crawl as fast as humanly possible saying "outside" the entire time.  His pronunciation is quite humorous to us.  As far as "dog" goes, he has been saying that for a while.  The pronunciation has changed a bit and he leaves out the "g" every now and then.  No doubt though he understands the word for "dog."  He is also starting to say "bite," he can sign the word "more," and will sometimes try to say it.  I know too when he is trying to say "milk."  The  word is not very pronounced yet, but he crawls towards the kitchen saying his version of "milk" all the way when I am fixing him a bottle.  Today he has been working on the "g" sound and saying "go."  He will probably be a chatterbox just like his momma.  We are anxious to hear what is going on in that little mind of his.  For now, we know food, outside, and dog are top priority.

My Little Rascal

Jacob has recently discovered how to open drawers. Well his bottom dresser drawers is one of his favorites. I left him alone for literally five seconds and came back in his room to see the top picture. He had thrown almost everything out of the drawer. He still had a few remaining items for which he had to "dig a little deeper" so to speak. He is such a little rascal!
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Not So Much

While in Indiana visiting my Grandmother, we (well, I)heard the ice cream truck and decided some ice cream was in order. If you know me at all, you know that when the ice cream truck is around, somebody better start searching for cash. What was so special about this for me however, is that I have previous memories of getting ice cream from the ice cream truck at my Grandmother's. I was so excited Jacob would have that same experience. Well sort of have the same experience. He really didn't get his own ice cream, rather a bite of mine. As you can tell from his expression below, he wasn't a fan. I'm not sure if it was the flavor considering mine was a sour popsicle, the cold, or a combination of both. If he is anything like his mom and dad, he will learn to LOVE ice cream.

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Really Kid... I Know What I Am Talking About.

We took a mini vacation for Father's Day to Atlanta. Matthew had been wanting to go to a Braves game so Jacob and I decided to surprise him with tickets to the game and to the Georgia Aquarium. We had such a good time! Jacob enjoyed the ballgame a lot. He was a little sleepy at the aquarium and wasn't too interested. We finally got him out of his stroller and he became a little more involved. While at the Beluga Whale exhibit, I was down at Jacob's level pointing at the whales and saying "fish." I chose the word fish, because A) Jacob had heard that word before, and B) I really didn't expect him to leave the Georgia Aquarium saying "Beluga Whale." Well, it just so happened there was a four year old that overheard my explanation of the whale to Jacob, and quickly corrected me. "Um, that's a Beluga Whale." (Insert a very critical face in which his eyes were really saying "moron, that's a whale, not a fish. Get it right.") I then proceeded to explain myself to a FOUR YEAR OLD! Realizing no matter what I said this kid was still going to think I was an idiot, I gave up, turned away, and proceeded to the next exhibit. Jacob still hasn't said fish, but he isn't saying "Beluga Whale" either.

Click Here For More Photos Of Our Trip
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Don't Get Me Granddaddy!


Jacob loves his Granddaddy and his Granddaddy loves him no doubt! I loved watching the two of them play and I was so glad I had my camera with me. Matthew makes fun of me for always having my camera and making everything about a photo opportunity. At least I have my camera when the important things happen in life. I know Jacob will cherish these pictures when he is older.

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First Haircut

I know what you are thinking, the first haircut is supposed to be at a year old. Believe me, I wanted to wait. The problem was, Jacob's hair was so long! I was in his eyes and worse than that, it had started to cover his ears. One night in Bible class, Ms. Billie asked if I was planning on waiting til Jacob was a year old to have his hair cut. I told her, I didn't really see how I could. She pulled out her scissors and got to work. He really wasn't a fan so we were only able to cut his bangs. For now that will get us through. On his first birthday, I will take him to get the rest of it cut. He looks so grown up now. I miss that long hair...
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Around The House

Little Teeth

Playing ball with Sammie Jo.

Trying to get the ball from Sammie Jo.

Helping Daddy in the kitchen.

Sleepy Baby BoyPosted by Picasa

A Little Biscuits Fan

Jacob loves baseball as do we, so we decided his first Biscuit's game was in order. Although we were a bit nervous about the late time of the ballgame, we knew we were only a few minutes from home if need be. Of course the game went into overtime, but that didn't phase Jacob one bit. He was sleepy but in true form, he was wonderful. He loved the game and being outside. We were a bit nervous as well about how he would handle the fireworks so we went ahead and left the actual stadium before they began. We stood outside of the stadium to watch. Not a single tear. He wasn't afraid one bit. Of course, this is the child that slept during the Thunderbirds at the airshow! We should have known. Jacob watched the fireworks with his daddy while I snapped a few shots. That was such a sweet moment for me to capture.
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