Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Great Grandma Barnes

We made the trip up to Indiana, and boy was it a trip. Jacob was so good the entire time even though he was completely out of his normal daily routine. These were just a couple of pictures that I took. The first is of the corner. My dad grew up in this house and always told us stories about the Polish club next door. I thought this photo was very fitting. The second is a photo of my grandmother's house. I edited them with more of a vintage finish. The third photo is of my grandmother's hands. I don't know what it is but something about holding a child is beautiful to me. I'm glad I have this photo of Grandma holding Jacob. The fourth photo is of her roses. Grandma has always had a green thumb, I'm kind of upset that was not passed down to me. As a child I remember looking at all of her flowers and being so impressed with how pretty they are. I now have roses in my yard (due to the green thumb of the lady that lived her before us) and I often think of my grandmother when I see them.

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