Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Really Kid... I Know What I Am Talking About.

We took a mini vacation for Father's Day to Atlanta. Matthew had been wanting to go to a Braves game so Jacob and I decided to surprise him with tickets to the game and to the Georgia Aquarium. We had such a good time! Jacob enjoyed the ballgame a lot. He was a little sleepy at the aquarium and wasn't too interested. We finally got him out of his stroller and he became a little more involved. While at the Beluga Whale exhibit, I was down at Jacob's level pointing at the whales and saying "fish." I chose the word fish, because A) Jacob had heard that word before, and B) I really didn't expect him to leave the Georgia Aquarium saying "Beluga Whale." Well, it just so happened there was a four year old that overheard my explanation of the whale to Jacob, and quickly corrected me. "Um, that's a Beluga Whale." (Insert a very critical face in which his eyes were really saying "moron, that's a whale, not a fish. Get it right.") I then proceeded to explain myself to a FOUR YEAR OLD! Realizing no matter what I said this kid was still going to think I was an idiot, I gave up, turned away, and proceeded to the next exhibit. Jacob still hasn't said fish, but he isn't saying "Beluga Whale" either.

Click Here For More Photos Of Our Trip
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