40 Weeks and 1 Day
Every book you read as an expecting mother tells you that you should write out a birth plan. Have in your mind what you want, put it on paper, inform those around you of your desires. After all this is an important day and each mother has an idea of how the birth of their child will be. I was no exception. My birth plan was in mind (not written down because I am a procrastinator), and I had given Matthew the rundown. I had planned on delivering at Baptist East Hospital without being induced. I wanted that "hop out of bed in the middle of the night moment." To be able to look at Matthew and say "honey, its time!" I never had that moment. Even now a month later as I type that sentence I am sad. I know that I will never have that moment. Keep reading and you will know why.
I went for my 40 weeks check up with my sister who was in town awaiting the arrival of our little one. I had been having contractions for days and Braxton Hicks contractions for months. All the tell-tale signs were there that I was about to go into active labor. My doctor however informed me that I was still only a "good centimeter" (I had been for three weeks at this point). How disappointing! He also told me that my blood pressure was a little high. He recommended that I be induced. This absolutely went against rule #1 of my birth plan. I was NOT going to be induced. My exceptions, something being wrong with the baby or for my health. Well, that was that. For various reasons I decided being induced wasn't all that bad, after all I was full term. The doctor got on the phone to set up the appointment. He normally didn't induce that day at Baptist East but was willing to make an exception. Disappointment #2, East didn't have any room for me! I was going to have to be induced at Jackson. It's not that Jackson is a bad hospital. I just never thought of it as an option for me. I have a good friend that works in the nursery at East. She was planning on admitting the baby and taking care of him while we were in the hospital. It made sense to have the baby at East. Regardless, my appointment was made for the next day and I was to arrive at 6:00 A.M. to be induced.
7lbs. 15oz.
20 inches
11:56 A.M.
After what seemed like hours Matthew brought him to me. I was only able to kiss his little head. I wanted to hold him so badly. They whisked him away to be taken to the nursery and I was left alone with the doctors and nurses. I waited in recovery for 45 minutes just dying to hold my baby and kiss my husband. I just wanted our family to be together.
I finally made it to my post partum room where all of our family was waiting. After a short time the baby was brought in. I was so excited to finally hold him and check him out. Now Matthew and I had decided to wait to name the baby. We (and by we I mean Matthew) wanted to see him and make sure the name fit. I hate it when Matthew is right. I had been saying the whole time that I wanted him to be named Silas Allen. Matthew wasn't 100% on the name so we had a list of about five names that we liked. Joshua was Matthew's top pick and mine was Silas of course. All day I tried to call him Silas in my mind. It just wouldn't work. Even when I saw him in the operating room I told Matthew he didn't look like a Silas, rather he looked like Jacob. All day I kept coming back to the name Jacob. We wanted to wait until we were alone to name him. That time did not come until around nine o'clock that night. In a way he chose his own name. Watch the video to see how. Naming Baby Jacob
I can't imagine now calling him anything else. Jacob Allen Beasley fits him so perfectly. Even though my day didn't go at all as planned I still realize how incredibly blessed I am. Jacob is a healthy and amazing little boy. I thank God for him every day.
Yea for the blog. the video is so sweet!
I'm SO glad you started a blog!! :)
BTW, I have to say that I completely identify with your sadness at not having those first few moments with Jacob. My situation is different, I know, but I still understand some of your feelings about how different things went as opposed to how you imagined them.
And that video...is precious!
What a sweet video! It brought tears to my eyes. I know the last month has been a challenging one, dealing with all the health challenges you've had, but guess what...you've made it! What a strong Mom you've been for Jacob. I'm so blessed to have a friend like you. I love you very much and am just pure excited to have your blog to read!
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