Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'll Fly Away

This child melts my heart.  Along with The Sweet By and By, I'll Fly Away is one of his favorite songs.  He obviously hasn't mastered the art of ending a song, but I am sure that will come all to quickly with age.  For now, his daddy and I will enjoy the sweet voice of our two and half year old son.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Eggs

Today we dyed eggs for the first time. J was really excited about it. I was so proud that he was able to tell me all of the colors. He normally says everything is green, but he is getting the the point now where he will actually say the right color.