Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Roly Poly

I have been practicing this with Jacob for a long time now.  I will sit with the camera while we play in hopes that he will roll over.  Well today he finally did roll over a few different times.  I was so proud of my little bubby. 


The other morning Jacob woke up in a good mood and talking as usual.  I waited for a bit to go and get him out of his bed.  Well, he started coughing.  I got a little worried and rushed right in.  I picked him up and automatically he was better.  He didn't cough again.  I later asked him if he had a cough and coughed a couple of times.  He looked at me and coughed.  Then he laughed.  I have determined his is just a little faker!  He chooses the funniest things to mimic.

Where Did Jacob Learn That? Oh That's Right, His Daddy.

So the other night we were sitting in the floor and Jacob kept making this noise.  We couldn't figure out what he was doing.  Matthew thought about it for a minute, then remembered he had made that noise a few times when he and Jacob were playing.  So he looked at Jacob and made the noise.  Sure enough, Jacob looked up at him, giggled, then made the noise back to him.  It was hilarious!  I of course got out the camera.  This is what I got before the battery died.

Who Needs Toys?

Jacob loves going to Bible class.  If I sing a song at home that his Bible class teachers sing, he just stops what he is doing and looks at me.  His favorite "toy" though in Bible class is not really a toy at all.  A paper plate, laminated and made into a clock is his favorite.  He just shakes his little arms, kicks his legs, and squeals when they get out the clocks.  This isn't the best video.  Of course he won't do what I want him to when I have the camera out but you get the picture.

He Knows Exactly What I Am Saying...No Doubt.

Shake, Rattle, & Roll

I love how Jacob shakes his rattle.  He just moves that little arm back and forth.  He cracks me up!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sneak Peak

Amy, Jacob, and I went out to the park today to take a few photos.  We also took a few at home.  I will be posting more later, I just wanted to give you a sneak peak.  I am really excited about some of the shots we got.  Since Jacob is sitting up now, photos are much easier.  We have a small window before he starts crawling and walking away though.  I took about 400 pictures today so it will take a while for me to edit and narrow the selection down.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

6 Months Old

I just took these one day when we were playing. He has so many different expressions. I just wish I could capture them all. The hardest one to get on camera at times is his smile. He has the sweetest smile ever.  The face he is making on the bottom left was learned from Daddy.
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Not Really Sure What Is Going On Here.

I haven't figured this one out yet. Really I don't know how he even got into this position. I thought it was cute so I wanted to share. Don't ask about his pants either. Apparently we let him walk around with spit up on his pants. Don't judge. I hate doing laundry. Really he has started spitting up more lately. I guess it is the solid foods. None the less, I like this photo.
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Sammie Jo Is So Funny!

Jacob has just recently discovered Sammie Jo. He likes to pet her (rather pull her whiskers) and watch her play ball. She distracts him now while he is trying to eat, or go to sleep. I love it though. He will just laugh and laugh at her.

Fingers Are For Eating

Jacob is currently working on feeding himself. In this video he is eating puffs made by Gerber. I have since made him some homemade baby pancakes that he loves. Who am I kidding? This kid loves everything he puts in his mouth. If you will watch closely, when I hand him food, he doesn't try to take it. Instead he just grabs my hand and pulls it to his mouth. He also will bend down and try to pick up the puffs off of his tray without usig his hands. At the end of the video he is searching for more. I just love everything he does right now. I hope you enjoy!