Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Sweet Boys

Me?... I Want a Hula Hoop

We took Jacob to see Santa at the Galleria in Birmingham. $25 later I figured out the photos I took of Jacob and Santa were much better than the one we paid for. Oh well. I guess it is about the experience anyway. This will probably be the only Christmas for a while that Jacob will even think about sitting with Santa without crying. All of my friends with children older than Jacob say their kids are afraid of him. Ali, Jacob's friend asked her mom on the way to see Santa "I don't have to sit with him do I?" Why are kids so afraid? I am sure I will figure it out one day.

I have figured out that having kids means you get to do all the fun stuff all over again. If I would have hopped up on that Carousel by myself that day, people would have thought I was crazy. Since I had Jacob everyone thought it was cute. I can't wait to take him roller skating, to Build a Bear, Chuck E Cheese, etc. Those were always my favorite things to do and now I will get to do them all over again!
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Stone Up Tebow!

"Lay off me I'm starving!"

Jacob enjoyed his first SEC Championship game. Especially since Bama won! Jacob said Tim Tebow was a bigger baby than him...
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Jacob's First Trip To The Zoo (12 Weeks)

We took Jacob to the Montgomery Zoo for the first time on November 7, 2009. Grandma, Granddaddy, Aunt Kim, Mary Kate, and Lauren all came with us. They were down visiting for the day and we had plans to watch the Alabama vs. LSU football game. We started the morning out right at IHop. Then while I was in the restroom changing Jacob's diaper, the family decided we had time for a quick trip to the zoo. As soon we got there, the first thing I did was purchase the monkey (in photo above) for Jacob. The stuffed animal was just small enough for Jacob to hold on to. We saw all of the animals. Of course Jacob really could have cared less about the actual zoo and animals. He just enjoyed being outside. The weather was beautiful and that was probably the longest he had been outside at one time. It was naptime so he caught some Z's as we looked at the animals. At some point I decided we needed to take a family photo which was really the whole point of the zoo trip to begin with. For me, most everything is a photo opportunity. At least that is what Matthew will tell you. After I took Jacob out of his stroller Grandma decided she needed to tote him through the zoo. After a while of walking she informed me that Jacob had a dirty diaper. I looked for the closest park bench, prepared a place to change Jacob, and laid him down only to discover I didn't have any diapers. If you will remember the beginning of the story... We left the house that morning with the intention of going to breakfast. While at breakfast, I changed Jacob's diaper. I was not expecting to be out all morning and was not prepared to be apparently. How embarrassing! I had to button him back up and move on. After all, what could I do? I couldn’t run to Walmart and I wasn’t about to ask anyone for a diaper. Good thing Grandma was there… Next thing I know Grandma shows up with a size four diaper (Jacob wears a 1 mind you). After a bit of work and a roll of duct tape, Jacob was once again fresh and clean. Matthew, Kim, and Granddaddy all left a bit early because they didn’t want to miss kickoff. The rest of us headed over to see the monkeys. We could have stayed there all day and watched them. There was a baby monkey that had us on the floor laughing. He was so mischievous. If you sit and watch monkeys long enough you will get a bit freaked out by the similarities between them and humans (except for picking fleas off one another of course and a few other disgusting things I will not mention here). Watching the monkeys protect and teach their little one was so sweet. I cannot wait until a trip to the zoo is not just a photo opportunity, but rather a time when I can watch Jacob learn about God’s creation and help him explore. Not to mention when he is older we can ride the train! 

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13 Weeks

Jacob can hold onto toys now if I hand them to him.

Hey Pig...

I bought Jacob this little hat as part of his Christmas outfit.  We just had to try it on.  I believe it is a perfect fit and too cute!

I think Jacob likes his hat too!
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Just Talking to Momma

This is just a quick video to show Jacob cooing. He has figured out how to bring toys to his mouth (well somewhat). He will also laugh out loud and squeal with delight. Jacob has started teething as well. If he doesn't have a paci in his mouth, then you can expect to find one or more of his fingers in his mouth. Jacob also tries to fit his entire fist in his mouth as you can see in the video. His hands have been his latest discovery as are his legs. Jacob has yet to find his feet although I am sure he will very soon. I have absolutely loved this stage. I guess that isn't a fair statement though because I have loved every single day of his existence.  Being a mother has been the most rewarding experience.  I am so very blessed.