Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Days Old

Days Old

One Week Old

One Week Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Seven Months Old

Seven Months Old

Eight Months Old

Eight Months Old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Ten Months Old

Ten Months Old

Eleven Months Old

Eleven Months Old

One Year Old

One Year Old
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Sweet Boys

Me?... I Want a Hula Hoop

We took Jacob to see Santa at the Galleria in Birmingham. $25 later I figured out the photos I took of Jacob and Santa were much better than the one we paid for. Oh well. I guess it is about the experience anyway. This will probably be the only Christmas for a while that Jacob will even think about sitting with Santa without crying. All of my friends with children older than Jacob say their kids are afraid of him. Ali, Jacob's friend asked her mom on the way to see Santa "I don't have to sit with him do I?" Why are kids so afraid? I am sure I will figure it out one day.

I have figured out that having kids means you get to do all the fun stuff all over again. If I would have hopped up on that Carousel by myself that day, people would have thought I was crazy. Since I had Jacob everyone thought it was cute. I can't wait to take him roller skating, to Build a Bear, Chuck E Cheese, etc. Those were always my favorite things to do and now I will get to do them all over again!
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Stone Up Tebow!

"Lay off me I'm starving!"

Jacob enjoyed his first SEC Championship game. Especially since Bama won! Jacob said Tim Tebow was a bigger baby than him...
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Jacob's First Trip To The Zoo (12 Weeks)

We took Jacob to the Montgomery Zoo for the first time on November 7, 2009. Grandma, Granddaddy, Aunt Kim, Mary Kate, and Lauren all came with us. They were down visiting for the day and we had plans to watch the Alabama vs. LSU football game. We started the morning out right at IHop. Then while I was in the restroom changing Jacob's diaper, the family decided we had time for a quick trip to the zoo. As soon we got there, the first thing I did was purchase the monkey (in photo above) for Jacob. The stuffed animal was just small enough for Jacob to hold on to. We saw all of the animals. Of course Jacob really could have cared less about the actual zoo and animals. He just enjoyed being outside. The weather was beautiful and that was probably the longest he had been outside at one time. It was naptime so he caught some Z's as we looked at the animals. At some point I decided we needed to take a family photo which was really the whole point of the zoo trip to begin with. For me, most everything is a photo opportunity. At least that is what Matthew will tell you. After I took Jacob out of his stroller Grandma decided she needed to tote him through the zoo. After a while of walking she informed me that Jacob had a dirty diaper. I looked for the closest park bench, prepared a place to change Jacob, and laid him down only to discover I didn't have any diapers. If you will remember the beginning of the story... We left the house that morning with the intention of going to breakfast. While at breakfast, I changed Jacob's diaper. I was not expecting to be out all morning and was not prepared to be apparently. How embarrassing! I had to button him back up and move on. After all, what could I do? I couldn’t run to Walmart and I wasn’t about to ask anyone for a diaper. Good thing Grandma was there… Next thing I know Grandma shows up with a size four diaper (Jacob wears a 1 mind you). After a bit of work and a roll of duct tape, Jacob was once again fresh and clean. Matthew, Kim, and Granddaddy all left a bit early because they didn’t want to miss kickoff. The rest of us headed over to see the monkeys. We could have stayed there all day and watched them. There was a baby monkey that had us on the floor laughing. He was so mischievous. If you sit and watch monkeys long enough you will get a bit freaked out by the similarities between them and humans (except for picking fleas off one another of course and a few other disgusting things I will not mention here). Watching the monkeys protect and teach their little one was so sweet. I cannot wait until a trip to the zoo is not just a photo opportunity, but rather a time when I can watch Jacob learn about God’s creation and help him explore. Not to mention when he is older we can ride the train! 

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13 Weeks

Jacob can hold onto toys now if I hand them to him.

Hey Pig...

I bought Jacob this little hat as part of his Christmas outfit.  We just had to try it on.  I believe it is a perfect fit and too cute!

I think Jacob likes his hat too!
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Just Talking to Momma

This is just a quick video to show Jacob cooing. He has figured out how to bring toys to his mouth (well somewhat). He will also laugh out loud and squeal with delight. Jacob has started teething as well. If he doesn't have a paci in his mouth, then you can expect to find one or more of his fingers in his mouth. Jacob also tries to fit his entire fist in his mouth as you can see in the video. His hands have been his latest discovery as are his legs. Jacob has yet to find his feet although I am sure he will very soon. I have absolutely loved this stage. I guess that isn't a fair statement though because I have loved every single day of his existence.  Being a mother has been the most rewarding experience.  I am so very blessed.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

12 Weeks Old...Where has the time gone?

Jacob is getting to be so big. As you can tell he has a lot more head control now. He is doing new things everyday. Everyone has always told me that the time would fly. They were right! I want him to stay little forever. Most days I just spoil him with so many hugs and kisses. I know there will be a day when he won't want me to hold him anymore. Until that day comes I am going to make it my daily goal to give him 150 million kisses a day. Oh how I love him!

I love this face. I feel like he is thinking "Seriously Mom, you have taken 100 pictures of me today. Are you done yet?" I think he gets this face from his daddy, king of silly expressions.
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Just Clowning Around

Jacob found Daddy's clown nose from Halloween. Daddy went as the man from the board game Operation (not a clown). I think Jacob is enjoying the big red nose a little too much! I hope he doesn't decide to run off with the circus!

Such a sweet little boy. I love him so much!

He really likes it. I promise! Oh the things I will do for a photo opportunity. Poor kid.

Crossing his eyes to get a better look at his big red nose.
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Monday, November 2, 2009

Jacob and Uncle Adam

Sometimes Adam will get upset and cry for certain people.  Typically it is someone in our family.  At school they figured out if he writes who he misses on the board he will be ok.  I guess it is a way for him to "voice" his feelings.  Mom has done the same thing for Adam at home.  When we got there the other day "I miss my Jacob" was on the board.

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I told Adam that Jacob likes it when people sing to him.  So Uncle Adam decided to sing some songs to Jacob.

He has been watching YouTube videos of different musicians and you can tell he has picked up a bit of "country twang" and a little flair from these artists.

Jacob's Mohawk

After Jacob's bath the other day I decided to give him a little mohawk.  I think he really liked the look!
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Little Pirate

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Milk!

A Pirate and His Paci!

Pumkin Carving

We had our annual pumkin carving event last Sunday night at our friend's house. Carving our pumpkin was so much fun this year. Typically I am helping all of the other children with their pumkins. This year I was "helping" my own child. What a treat! We went for a simple and classic design. Matthew and Jacob watched while I handled the actual carving of the pumkin.
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One Month

Two Months

Friday, October 23, 2009

Shhh... I'm watching Coach Saban.

The other night Matthew and I were watching the local evening news.  Jacob was laying on his playmat and Matthew was sitting and playing with him.  Well the next thing we know the sports segment was on and Jacob's eyes were glued to the tv.  Nick Saban was giving a press confrence and Jacob started cooing at the tv.  He watched the entire sports segment with a huge smile on his face.  I guess his daddy has done a good job of sharing his love of Alabama football. 

Jacob's First Bama Game
We may have been in the hospital, but the boys were not gonna miss Jacob's first game.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jacob & His Pumkins

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I'm Ready for Halloween!

We had big plans over the weekend to take Jacob to the pumpkin patch. As a little girl I remember going to the local farmer's market and picking out my pumpkin. There was always a little haunted house that we would go through before or after picking out our pumpkins and it always freaked me out. I have fond memories of those times so I wanted to start the tradition of picking out our pumpkin with Jacob. To me just going to Publix and getting one out of the bin just wasn't an option (that is what we have done the last few years). Halloween is by far my favorite holiday so I want it to be special for Jacob. Well Saturday rolled around and the weather was terrible. Rather than go to the big pumpkin patch with a hay ride and all that good stuff, we decided to simply go to the pumpkin patch set up by the boyscouts. This one is basically a small patch of land with pumpkins spread out. Not 100% what I was wanting but better than Publix, and Jacob wouldn't enjoy a hayride yet anyway. As soon as we got out of the car the wind hit our faces and we knew Jacob didn't need to be out in the elements. We hurriedly picked out our pumpkin and got back in the car. I was so disappointed. I at least wanted to take his picture picking out his first pumpkin. Instead we took a few when we got home. The point is we started the tradition and maybe next year will be more exciting.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

"Mommy, did you forget your camera has a delete button?" ~Jacob

One night after Jacob's bath, I decided to get out the camera.  I took a number of pictures, but this one was my favorite.  His hair hasn't been brushed yet and I just love the face.  On a daily basis, Jacob comes up with new faces and sounds.  I look forward to what each day will bring.  I love watching him grow.

Party at Alex's Crib

During Jacob's first trip to visit the family, we stopped by our friends Bradley and Tammy's house. They have also had a recent addition to their household. Matthew and Bradley have known each other for many years, in fact they went to school together. One day Bradley called Matthew with the news that he and Tammy were pregnant. Matthew said "you are never gonna believe it but we are pregnant too." The compared dates and as it turned out Tammy and I were due right about the same time. At around 20 weeks we both discovered that we were having boys. We have had fun comparing notes and experiences with someone that was at the same point in their pregnancy. Alex was born the Sunday before Jacob and we couldn't wait for the two to meet. We just knew they would be fast friends. During our visit, Tammy and I found ourselves sitting alone in the living room. Matthew, Bradley, and the boys had made their way into the nursery and had been there for some time. This is how we found Alex and Jacob. They were watching the mobile in Alex's crib and having a blast. I don't know if they really ever knew the other one was there but it was very cute and I was glad I had my camera to capture the moment. I am so excited our boys will be able to grow up together. I only wish we lived a little closer.
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sleep...I Need Some

I really should be sleeping right now.  Instead, I am posting to my blog about needing sleep.  Dumb I know.  Jacob had been sleeping every night from 11p.m to about 6a.m.  I had worked very hard to accomplish this.  Well, we the night we went out of town for the first time, Jacob decided he needed to wake up in the middle of the night.  I got him back to sleep without a ton of trouble but still I was tired the next day.  Now I was nervous about going out of town to begin with, but with Jacob deciding he wasn't going to sleep through the night I was really nervous.  All was well however the first three nights we were out of town.  Then we got to Nashville to see my sister.  For some reason that night Jacob decided to wake up around 3:30a.m.  He would not go back to sleep without a quick meal so I fed him.  The next night when we got home 3:00a.m rolled around and Jacob was awake.  It has been this way since we got back.  Some nights he goes back to sleep pretty easily.  One night I just had to sleep sitting up and hold him.  I was too tired to even try to lay him down.  Matthew and I both have theories as to what is going on.  I guess we will just have to experiment.  Typically Jacob takes a couple of naps throughout the day.  I usually take at least the morning nap with him and sometimes I nap throughout the day when he does.  This week I have missed more morning naps and I am starting to feel it.  I hope to get in a couple of naps tomorrow and the housework will just have to wait.  In the meantime I am going to bed.  Hopefully we will ALL sleep til morning!

Monday, October 5, 2009